NaNoWriMo 2018?!


Yep it’s that time of year again! November 1st is just around the corner and with it kicks off National Novel Writing Month where participants are challenged to write a little bit every day with the crazy goal of finishing a first draft (or at least the first 50,000 words) for a novel you’ve always wanted to pen at the end of the 30 days. 

This will be my fourth year participating! YEP. I’ll have done this four times! That’s simply wild to think about haha. I really hope you’ll consider participating this year or if this is the first time you’re hearing about NaNoWriMo then hopefully you’ll consider going for it (or if you like to plan your ideas then there’s always next year)! I love this because personally submitting that daily word count keeps me motivated. But if you’re worried about the pressure then fret not because there’s no penalty for “losing” and there’s no requirements other than to write.

Most people use this opportunity to try and smash out a rough draft for a novel but others simply enjoy the excitement of the community and take the opportunity to write a few poems, perhaps a script or short stories. Depending on the type of book you might be planning on writing trying to get an entire draft written within 30 days could be unrealistic which is completely fine because the goal of this challenge is simply to get you writing. Don’t overthink it! Don’t freak out about keeping pace with anyone else, this is a personal challenge which means the only person that matters is you.

I love the thrill of it, the pressure, the rush. But others side-step all that and simply have fun with other writers. In the end it’s all good fun and a great way to inspire people to maybe try jotting down that story that’s been rattling around in their head.

Normally I go a bit dormant during November because of this event but I’ve worked very hard to have a few posts pre-written so that I can keep this blog alive while not having to worry about reviews when I’m busy trying to write my own creation. That being said I still likely won’t be very active in the comments so I apologize in advance.

If you’re interested in checking out this fantastic nerdy event then visit! I hope you’ll join us and if so please comment below with what project you hope to work on!



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