Cover Reveal | Recorder: Children of the Consortium

I’m so excited to be a part of the grand cover reveal for RECORDER by debut author Cathy McCrumb!! This is the first book in the new and exciting Children of the Consortium science fiction trilogy and I cannot wait to read it! Keep scrolling to find out more and don’t forget to add it to your TBR so you don’t miss out!

The Book

(Children of the Consortium #1)
Cathy McCrumb
Dystopian Sci-Fi
Expected Publication Date: November 2021

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The Consortium is All. But Recorder Can No Longer Obey. 

Recorder has no family, no friends, and no name. Donated to the Consortium before birth, her sole purpose is to maintain and verify the records. A neural implant and drone ensure compliance, punishing for displays of bias.

Suddenly cut off from controlling technology, Recorder tastes what it means to be human. But if the Consortium discovers her feelings, everyone she knows will be in danger.

With no name, no resources, and only an infinitesimal possibility of escape, Recorder’s time is running out.

Pre-Order the Special Limited Edition!

Recorder has no family, no friends, and no name. Donated to the Consortium before birth, her sole purpose is to maintain records. When an accident breaks the neural implant ensuring her compliance, Recorder tastes what it means to be human. But is defying the Consortium worth this newfound freedom?

You can go ahead and pre-order a copy of the special limited edition hardcover of RECORDER today! It’s going to be a must for any bookcase! Just click on the following link and snag your copy before it’s too late!

The Author

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Cathy McCrumb is a speculative fiction writer, an editor at Havok Publishing, and a freelance editor. Her short fiction has been published in ezines, magazines, and several anthologies. Cathy graduated from Biola University with a degree in English Literature. She currently lives in Colorado with her family and hopes to one day go ice fishing.

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