Unboxing | Invocation

Happy Friday! I’m very excited to be sharing with you all about Aileen Erin’s latest series which kicks off with INVOCATION, the first book in the Days of Iron and Clay paranormal romance series! If you’ve read her Alpha Girl series then you’ll spot some familiar faces and if you haven’t, no worries! You don’t need to have read that series at all to enjoy this one but it’ll probably inspire you to! Okay okay let’s get back on task. Keep reading my post to find out more about the book and its author, a lil sneak peek, my review, and the awesome goodies that came in the promo box!

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Blog Tour | An Ocean of Stars

Today I’m participating in the official blog tour for AN OCEAN OF STARS by Becca Mionis! This YA sci-fi romance is the first in a trilogy and was fun to read with characters that kept you hooked so you’ll definitely want to check it out. If “A girl lost in space must rely on a mysterious young captain for survival in this young adult science fiction romance inspired by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.” sounds intriguing then definitely keep reading this post for more on the book and author, an interview, my review, AND the chance to enter an exciting giveaway!!

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Book Blitz | Station Eternity

I’m very excited to be participating in the official book blitz for Mur Lafferty’s book STATION ETERNITY! This “Midsomer Murders meets Doctor Who” sci-fi murder mystery was fun to read and I look forward to more in The Midsolar Murders series! Keep reading for more on the book, the author, plus read an excerpt and my review!

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Spotlight: Nova’s Blade

Today I’m sharing about debut author Will Scifi’s new YA Dystopian Cyberpunk book titled NOVA’S BLADE. I was lucky enough to receive an ARC and it’s definitely what it claims to be, by which I mean you’re going to want to give it a look. Filled with a sci-fi skewed dystopian society, complex characters, and plenty of action and plot twists, Nova’s Blade will have you leaning in with curiosity, gasping in horror, cheering in support, and grasping for the next book. If you’ve enjoyed other reads such as The Hunger Games, The Selection, or The Princess Trials, then this just might be your next choice! Keep reading this post for more on the book and the author as well as an excerpt!

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Blog Tour | Where Dreams Descend

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Janella’s spellbinding debut novel is an unforgettable combination of Moulin Rouge and Phantom of the Opera with a dash of Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus. A star showgirl must win a magician’s competition riddled with danger in order to secure her freedom, even as a handsome magician distracts her heart, in this lush, debut fantasy. Keep reading this post for an excerpt and review! Continue reading

Blog Tour | Sisters of Sword and Song

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Rebecca Ross’ latest release, SISTERS OF SWORD AND SONG, is a YA Fantasy adventure that sounds absolutely thrilling! Keep reading to find out more about the book and the author, read an excerpt along with my mini review and a fun guest post by the author! And don’t forget to enter the exciting giveaway! (click the banner to follow the tour!)  Continue reading

Happy Pub. Day! | Dust to Dust

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IT’S HERE!!! If you’ve read ALARUM then you’ll probably understand why readers put in a request for a novella to give us more time with Fury & Riker. And Talis delivered! Keep reading for more on the novella plus an excerpt!
If you haven’t read ALARUM yet then check out my post here to read more! I strongly suggest reading the novella after you’ve read the main book since this is a companion story that takes place within a 3-year gap of time and will definitely spoil things (and might not make quite as much sense) if you haven’t read the book first.  Continue reading

Blog Tour | Walking Shadows

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I’m super excited today to be a part of the blog tour for ALARUM by Talis Jones!! ALARUM is the first book in Walking Shadows, a YA Dystopian/Post-Apocalyptic series, and to my thrill the tour included an option to read SOLUS, the second book, too! You might’ve already seen my promo posts back in October for ALARUM but I couldn’t pass up the chance to promote here on my blog again! Keep reading for an awesome giveaway, my reviews of ALARUM and SOLUS, and a book summary of ALARUM that I assembled using song lyricsContinue reading

Happy Pub. Day! | Carrion Crow

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Today is the day!!! It’s FINALLY here!!! The second book in the Otherworld Trilogy released today and I am thrilled to be able to tell you about it! Carrion Crow is the second book in this new YA paranormal/fantasy series although despite it being a sequel it isn’t a middle book but rather a conclusion before the final book whips us back in time explaining how the chaos Adrianna and Geoffrey are dropped into in book one all began. In other words, book three is going to be a villain origin story. So if you’re on the hunt for an exciting fantasy series that won’t be a thousand books long then this is a definite you should check out. Keep reading my post for more on this book, the first book, an excerpt, teasers, and more!  Continue reading