The Grimoire Saga

The most amazing thing has happened! I discovered this series back in college when I perhaps needed magic the most and it whisked me away on a fantastical journey that has kept close to my thoughts ever since. I don’t collect books for the sake of collecting them and only afford to buy physical copies when it’s something I want to read over and over again. This being a special series to me, it was something I wanted to try and collect. For the longest time I only had the eBooks and I began a hunt for first editions which was much more difficult a quest than I’d anticipated. Finally eBay raised my hopes only for an unfortunate basement flood to dash them and then once again magic struck, the magic of an author and her book community. Keep reading this post to see what exactly arrived in my mailbox as well as for more info on the series (no spoilers!) and the author!

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Fifth Sun Series

Today I am excited to help celebrate the final book in the Fifth Sun series with this series post! The cover reveal for book 5 is today and that also means that it’s available for pre-order! Surrender de la Llama (Surrender of the Flame) releases on July 16, 2022 and if you haven’t started this urban fantasy series yet then now is the time to get started so you can binge straight through! Keep reading this post for more info on the series (no spoilers!) and the author!

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Recipes from Fiction!

I don’t know about you, but I really love food and sometimes the books I read mention things that taste so mouthwateringly delicious that I wish the author would include the recipe! The holidays always has me spending more time in the kitchen baking as I sing along to Christmas songs and dance around coated in flour (by accident of course lol) so I thought I’d share some recipes with you this Christmas. I’ve included three recipes, all from books! Keep scrolling to find the recipes and also a bit about the books they’re found in.

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Spotlight: Revenge de los Muertos

I couldn’t resist putting together a lil spotlight post for an upcoming release that I am SO excited for! Author Talis Jones has a new series coming out and this time she’s selected the urban fantasy genre. As you all know, I read almost every genre out there but when I need something fun, something to take me away from whatever is causing me stress in my life, I often turn to paranormal or urban fantasy (the difference between the two remains largely unknown to me, I admit). There’s just something about magic or the supernatural set in a world of Walmarts, roller rinks, and student loans that is fun to me. It’s our world, but with a little extra.

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Recorder (Children of the Consortium #1) by Cathy McCrumb (2021)

-eARC Review-

Fiction | Sci-Fi


The Consortium is All. But Recorder Can No Longer Obey.

Recorder has no family, no friends, and no name. Donated to the Consortium before birth, her sole purpose is to maintain and verify the records. A neural implant and drone ensure compliance, punishing for displays of bias.

Suddenly cut off from controlling technology, Recorder tastes what it means to be human. But if the Consortium discovers her feelings, everyone she knows will be in danger.

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Cover Reveal | On Destiny

I’m back with another exciting announcement from Aileen Erin! As you may know, I am a huge fan of her Aunare Chronicles series (keep an eye out for my ARC review of On Mission, book 3!) and today I am happy to help share the official cover reveal for ON DESTINY, book 4 in the series! Keep reading to find out more about this latest release or if you’re new to the series I’ve also included a mini review of book 1, Off Planet!

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Hidden Legacy Series

Hidden Legacy #1-3 (Nevada Baylor Trilogy) by Ilona Andrews (2014 – 2017)

Fiction | Urban Fantasy

Note: These are not romance novels despite the covers LOL


BURN FOR ME (Book One)

Nevada Baylor is faced with the most challenging case of her detective career—a suicide mission to bring in a suspect in a volatile case. Nevada isn’t sure she has the chops. Her quarry is a Prime, the highest rank of magic user, who can set anyone and anything on fire.

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The Human Zoo

The Human Zoo by Kasey Rocazella (2021)

-ARC Review-

NA Fiction | Dystopia


Jax Cooper lives a comfortable life, maybe too comfortable. Born into a powerful family, Jax is the son of the largest mogul in the world. As a journalist for The Globe, he takes on a unique, self-assigned piece: to investigate his father’s empire, The Human Zoo. Disguised as one of the animals and stripped of his identity, wealth, and eugenic luxuries, Jax is challenged by what it means to be human when he meets Priya.

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These Violent Nights

These Violent Nights by Rebecca Crunden (2021)

-eARC Review-

Fiction | Dystopia | Paranormal Fantasy


Once upon a time, inhabitants of another world tore a hole through the universe and came to Earth. They called themselves Suriias, and rivalled humans in knowledge and skill with one great exception: they had magic.

War followed. Humanity lost. And three hundred years later, humans are on the brink of extinction.

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